training : microsoft access
This class provides participants with a basic introduction to Microsoft Access databases, covering simple tables, queries, forms, and reports. Participants will create their own database for a fictitious customer listing and run reports for basic analysis and mailing address labels.
(Recommended Time: 2 Hours)
building queries
This class will show participants how to create advanced queries. Queries that prompt for parameters, delete queries, append queries, and update queries will be the focus of this class. Creating queries based on sub-queries will also be covered. This class assumes prior knowledge of basic Access skills. (Recommended Time: 2 Hours)
creating forms
This class will demonstrate to participants how forms can be created to support user-input and retrieve information. Concepts such as text controls, graphics, function buttons, and sub-forms will be covered. This class assumes prior knowledge of basic Access skills. (Recommended Time: 2 Hours)
designing reports
This class provides participants with demonstrations on how to create appealing, powerful reports. Covered topics include incorporating graphics into a report, using headers and footers, setting page size and margins, and using groups to subtotal your results. This class assumes prior knowledge of basic Access skills, particularly queries. (Recommended Time: 2 Hours)
additional topics of interest:
- tables, normalization, and relationships
- SQL server manager
- macros
- Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
- importing and exporting data